Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My Jja Jjang Myeon

I don't know what I would've done without her

She has been the steady sturdy anchor for me. I've grown too comfortable around her to appreciate her or thank her. Thank you

for being there
for holding me
for loving me

I love you

and now let me be your dan moo ji =)

A Pocket of Fresh Air

past few months were the most miserable time of my life

past few weeks have been amazing

funny how things change so quickly.

Honestly, I wasn't sure of this path. I wasn't sure if i had what it takes to be a healer, but I think God was trying to show me and prepare me. It seems like he was whispering, Be patient. Be faithful. and Be-lieve.

so I did

I feel like I've grown this year especially. I am now more sure of what I want to do. A clear goal in sight rather than objectives thrown at me and shoved down my throat. Now I don't care how long it takes. I want it.

And because of it, I feel independent. My life is starting to feel like my own now. I am still following God's direction, but at least my heart is synchronized with His and not with anyone else's.

I am mesmerized by how everything works in God's ways. His meticulous plans for everyone. I wish I had the faith to be joyful during my troubles, but at least I had the faith to endure it all. I am that much grateful and that much more prepared. He truly has plans laid out for us all; he will give you challenges that you can handle and prepare you if you are not yet able. For that I am grateful.

With this fresh pocket of air, I inhale, exhale, and hold my breath for His amazing work to manifest itself. Till the next... God watch over us and be with us.

In your name.